GEMS Winchester School – Fujairah

Al Qasar Rd – Sakamkam – Fujairah – United Arab Emirates
25.150346890753454, 56.33885633527614
At WSF, our vision is to deliver a high-quality education to the diverse community of Fujairah. We will nurture lifelong learners in an enabling, caring and inclusive environment so that they become confident, independent and progressive world citizens. We will do that whilst embracing and sharing the vision of the GEMS Founder and Chairman: “Every child has the right to a quality education. We strongly believe that every single child has talents and abilities that are as unique as their personalities. We take pride in our inclusive ethos and are determined to bring out the best in every single child who comes to us to learn.”
Sunny Varkey, Founder and Chairman, GEMS Education
WSF will establish a child-centered learning environment that will allow all students to reach their full potential. Our mission is to become the school of choice in Fujairah, meeting the needs and aspirations of all of our learners and families.
At WSF, we embrace core GEMS values:
1. Leading through innovation
2. Pursuing Excellence
3. Growing by learning
4. Global citizenship